When selling your home it can be really exciting; however it can take longer than you might hope. This is why we have put this blog post together so you can see the process of selling your home in Peterborough, along with how long this process might take.

Before the real process can start there are a few things you need to do as a house seller in Peterborough. These are things that we will be willing to help you with as your personal estate agents, but these things need to be done before the official process of selling your home begins.

Your To-Do List

  • You need to choose an estate agent that you trust to sell your home. You may select a few and then shortlist them down after meeting them.
  • Invite your chosen estate agent(s) round to value your home.
  • Request the agency agreement and discuss any queries you might have.
  • Prepare your home for sale. This includes some decluttering, quick DIY fixes, tidying and cleaning, for example.
  • You then need to sign off any property particulars. Again, this is something we can help you with.
  • Finally commission an EPC survey. We would be happy to get this started for you.

Selling Your Home Process

Day One: The first thing that happens is your home will be marketed. This will include a sign outside your house, details on our website and other home buying sites, social media posts, mail-outs to house buyers on our lists and more. 

You’ll then be called for viewings for your home. We can do these for you, and if you would like to give us the key we can complete your house viewings with minimal disruption to your daily routine. We will inform you of any viewings before they take place and the feedback from the viewings.

The right buyer will come along and give you an offer for your home. They may be some negotiations back and forth, but you will then accept the right offer that you feel happy with.

According to The Advisory research the average time for a house sale to get from marketing to accepting an offer is 4 to 14 weeks. This is dependent on how hot or cold the market is at the time of selling your home.

Once you have accepted the offer from the buyer searches, legal enquiries and a buyer’s survey will take place. There may be some more negotiations with the buyer around the results from these enquiries, surveys and searches. Once again, your personal estate agent can handle these for you.

The next step is the exchange of contracts and this is the point where the house sale becomes legally binding for both parties. The process from accepting the offer to the exchange of contracts can take around 9-12 weeks on average. However, a transaction can fall through during the second negotiations about findings through surveys which takes you back to the viewings part of the process again.

When contracts are exchanged your solicitor will receive the deposit on the house from the buyer and usually within 1-2 weeks the house sale will complete and you will receive the full balance of the house sale.

According to research the average house sale process can take between 15 and 25 weeks. However every house sale is different. Speak to your estate agent and they will advise as to how long it will take to sell your home, but this blog gives you a rough guide of the process and what to expect when selling your home in Peterborough.

If you are considering selling or renting your property please do contact one of our experience property professionals on 01733 567123 or email us at home@letters.co.uk. We are a local independent Estate Agent who have been working within Peterborough and the surrounding villages for over 28 years giving us an extensive knowledge of all aspects of the property market. We work with a number of trusted supplies such as solicitors, mortgage brokers, building surveyors and tradesmen giving us the ability to offer our clients everything under one roof.

We hope to hear from you soon!